Webinar #3 - Business Continuity: Minimizing Risk to Employees While Ensuring Productivity
Webinars #3 through #6 provide information that allows audience members to address business disruptions caused by coronavirus and to formulate a plan for recovery. Webinar #3 focuses on the impact of COVID-19 on employees and the workforce.
May 07, 2020, 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM
Starts 8 AM Local Time San Francisco, USA
Proposed Agenda
Welcome and Introductions
Overview: Understanding the Disease
Introduction to the Vichara Partners Business Continuity Planning & Recovery Framework
Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 on Your Workforce
- In Close Proximity: The Spread of COVID-19 in Office & Manufacturing Settings
- Exposure in Transit: The Danger of Travel
- The Result of Fear and Panic: A Less Productive Workforce
Options for Controlling the Spread of COVID-19 within Your Company
- Wash Your Hands! And Other Effective Personal Protective Measures
- Reducing Transmission through Collective Measures from Social Distancing to Shutdowns
- The Role of Travel Restrictions in Keeping Your People Safe
Decision-making Amid Uncertainty: Protecting Your People and Your Company
- Safeguarding Your Operations: Who to Keep On-Site, Who to Send Home
- The Challenges of Working from Home
- Difficult Decisions: Deciding Whether or Not to Shutdown
- Running R&D Facilities During a Crisis
- On the Line: Manufacturing with Fewer Employees
- Protecting Critical Infrastructure: Data Centers, Warehouses, and Electrical Grids
Communication Strategies
- Difficult Choices: Conveying Information About Corporate Decisions
- Improving Productivity: Staying Connected During the Coronavirus Crisis
Roundtable Discussion and Q&A
Conclusions and Next Steps
Lorraine Martin, President and CEO, National Safety Council
To view speaker biographies, please click here.
NOTE: The agenda above is subject to change, especially as our collective knowledge of the impacts of the pandemic improves. A final agenda will be posted here no later than May 1. All webinars will be recorded and made available after the live broadcast.
We are offering discounted rates to members of our partners and sponsors. Please visit our partnership page for more information on participating organizations.
To see your local start time, please click here.