Time Zones Around the World

The 8:00 AM start time corresponds to the following times zones around the world:
8:00 AM → San Francisco, California, USA
9:00 AM → Denver, Colorado, USA
10:00 AM → Chicago, Illinois, USA
11:00 AM → New York City, New York, USA
12:00 PM → Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Brazil
4:00 PM → London, UK
5:00 PM → Brussels, Belgium
6:00 PM → Moscow, Russia
7:00 PM → Dubai, UAE
8:30 PM → New Delhi, India
10:00 PM → Jakarta, Indonesia
11:00 PM → Beijing, China
12:00 AM → Tokyo, Japan *
1:00 AM → Sydney, Australia *
* The Following Day
PLEASE NOTE: We tried to schedule the live webinars for maximum reach. We appreciate that the late-night start time is not optimal for our colleagues in east Asia and the Pacific. The good news is that you can watch all the webinars as recordings at any time of the day after the live broadcast has ended.