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Vichara Partners Sustainable Deep Thought
The Story of Our Name

In Sanskrit, the ancient mother tongue many of our languages are based upon, the word Vichara (विचार) roughly means “Sustained Thought for the Greater Good.” For us at Vichara Partners, our corporate name grounds us in three important truths:

  • We engage in deep thinking, analysis and evaluation. We actively pursue knowledge, understanding and data. We look at problems from a variety of viewpoints, bringing our best thinking to the clients we serve,

  • We possess a deep-rooted desire to have a positive impact on the world, and

  • We believe that the world's greatest accomplishments come when we partner to generate solutions.

Our Expertise

Vichara Partners is a global advisory group composed of experts in diverse professional fields supporting sustainable business. Our areas of expertise include:  environment, health and safety (EHS); corporate social responsibility; regulatory compliance; stakeholder engagement; and education.

Sanjay Baliga Vichara Partners Sustainable Business EHS Manufacturing Consultant
Sanjay Baliga
Co-Founder & Senior Partner

Sanjay Baliga, a globally-recognized expert in sustainable business and corporate risk management, has nearly a quarter century of professional experience working at the interface of sustainability-related science, management, and policy.

Nikole Reaksecker Vichara Partners Sustainable Business Consultant
Nikole Reaksecker
Co-Founder & Senior Partner

Nikole Reaksecker, an internationally-recognized expert in stakeholder engagement, has over two decades of professional experience working in natural resource policy, business administration, regulatory compliance, and environmental education.

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