Webinar #6 - Business Continuity: Making Difficult Decisions in an Interconnected World
Webinars #3 through #6 provide information that allows audience members to address business disruptions caused by coronavirus and to formulate a plan for recovery. Webinar #6 focuses on the challenges faced by corporate executives as they determine the best course of action.
May 14, 2020, 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM
Starts 8 AM Local Time San Francisco, USA
Proposed Agenda
Welcome and Introductions
Overview: Understanding the Disease and Its Impact
Critical Business Continuity Concerns
Corporate Decision-Making in Times of Crisis
- Managing Uncertainty Across the Value Chain: The Importance of Information
- The Whole Picture: Decision-Making When Global Disease Disrupts All Aspects of Business
- Collective Action in Times of Crises: Minimizing Exposure & Site Closures in the Supply Web
- Beyond Your Control: Government Mandates, Markets and Societal Expectations
Communication Strategies
- Coordinating a Company-Wide Approach: Involving Internal Departments in Decision-Making
- Sharing Next Steps: Decisive, Clear Communication to Ensure Employees Feel Safe and Know What to Expect
- Corporate Communications to the Outside World: Conveying Information About the Impact of COVID-19 on Your Company and Sharing Your Risk Management Strategy
- Engaging the Value Chain: Understanding Market Impacts of COVID-19 on Suppliers & Customers
- Working with Government to Address Pandemic Impacts
Roundtable Discussion and Q&A
Conclusions and Next Steps
Bruce Klafter, Vice President of Sustainability Strategy & Outreach, Flex
Steve Roberge, Vice President of EHS & Facilities, Axcelis Technologies Inc.
To view speaker biographies, please click here.
NOTE: The agenda above is subject to change, especially as our collective knowledge of the impacts of the pandemic improves. A final agenda will be posted here no later than May 1. All webinars will be recorded and made available after the live broadcast.
We are offering discounted rates to members of our partners and sponsors. Please visit our partnership page for more information on participating organizations.
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